
Wednesday 15 April 2020

'Be Brave' for Bleeding Art

Today is the day I get to show you the rest of my
'First Mixed Media Project' as part of the 
New Extended Design Team at Bleeding Art

I decided to try something a little different. We all have loads of
unused cd/dvd's don't we? Why not dolly one up then.
I made this a little while ago and in the meantime my notes
on how I made this have gone missing. Lucky some of the photos
have the products I used which will help.
#Note to self - use a notebook to keep all my DT makes
together till they are blogged.
Here goes!
After covering my dvd with black gesso I stenciled 
with texture paste roughing the surface slightly.
then painting with Art Alchemy Metallic Paints in
Golden Moss and Lime Peel.
Adding some some Apple of my Eye heat embossing
and Art Alchemy Waxes in Mint Sparkle and Rich Copper
to  my dvd and torn corrugated cardboard.
Added  some wire, glitter, beads and die cuts
Then to my chipboard dragonfly
After the dragonfly cracked (lol) I started adding
Art Alchemy Waxes in Fire Ruby and Mint Sparkle.
Here's a close up. Isn't it gorgeous!
There is lots of waxing over the dvd and the background die cuts.
Added my appropriate sentiment from STAMPlorations
blended to match and finishing with some ink backed pebbles.

There is sooooooooo much more 
Magnificent Mixed Media Makes from 
my Junkie Mates so please go over to our  Bleeding Art Blog
and see for yourself. 

Off course we would all love to see
your project in our Gallery where
we're not only Mixed Media all of the time
but Anything Goes all of the time.

but wait there's more
There's even something special happening 
with this month's Challenge! 
With all this self isolation happening this will be
a fun way to get those kiddo's getting
 messy and arty! You never know what talent
they inherited from you. 

I know this was a long post and I thank you
for hanging around to the end.
Hope you enjoyed my Mixed Media Make.
Till next time -


  1. Whoa, that is one sensational dragonfly! Beautiful mixed media project!

  2. WOW Ina, this is stunning!! I love all of the textures and that dragonfly is amazing, beautiful piece of art!
    Take care & stay safe.
    Tammy x

  3. Awesome, love the green and dragonfly, clever lady. Amazing design.

  4. I can tell you had fun putting this one together! It is really gorgeous! All those different steps to create so much texture! Love that you used an old CD too! Just so creative!

  5. Hi Ina, fellow junkie here lol
    I absolutely love your altered CD/DVD, the design, colours & textures are fantastic... Jane x 🌴

  6. That's an awesome project, my friend - love that stencil! I need to do something on a CD! 💜


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